What Does Amending Your Soil Mean?

What Does Amending Your Soil Mean?

Soil amendments are materials you add to soil to improve its physical or chemical properties. Unlike fertilizers, the exact ingredients and chemical composition of soil amendments vary among different sources. You can use soil amendments to improve the permeability and water retention characteristics of your soil. Amendments can also improve the fertility and alter the acidity of the soil, making it easier for plants to access the nutrients they need.

Using Amendments

You typically work soil amendments into the soil using hand tools or a tiller. Organic amendments such as peat, compost and manure are physically combined with your existing soil. These amendments supply nutrients and organic matter that improves the structure of the soil. Inorganic amendments, such as perlite or vermiculite, are mixed into the soil to change the water retention characteristics of the soil.

Organic Amendments

Animal manure is an organic soil amendment you can use to improve the structure and fertility of soil. Amending soil with manure requires tilling animal waste into the soil. In most cases, you compost the manure for several months before adding it to the soil. This process reduces the presence of harmful bacteria and prevents the high nitrogen content of fresh manure from damaging crops and promoting the growth of harmful bacteria in the soil. After it is properly prepared, animal manure is usually tilled into the soil four to eight weeks before crops are planted to ensure that it does not interfere with the germination of seeds.

Amending Soil Structure

Peat is another organic soil amendment that improves the structure of the soil. Peat consists of partially decayed plant matter harvested from a wetland. Adding peat to your soil increases its ability to retain water and lowers its pH. Amending your soil with peat also increases the size of the porous spaces in the soil, allowing plant roots greater access to oxygen. Amending your soil with perlite, vermiculite or fine gravel also improves soil permeability without adding nutrients.


Soil amendments can dramatically alter the properties of your soil. Overusing chemical fertilizers can add salts to your soil, making it difficult for plants to absorb water. Many soil amendments contain acidic or alkaline materials that can lower or increase the pH of your soil, potentially making it more difficult for plants to absorb nutrients. Soil tests are a valuable tool for determining the precise physical and chemical properties of your soil and which kind of amendments you should add to improve it. Call Emerald Rich Lawns we can evaluate your lawns needs 734-479-1234